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Using the Pedi STAT Medication Calculator

With Pedi STAT integration, some protocols will show a calculator icon in the upper right corner. If you need to calculate medication dosing for the protocol, you can tap the calculator to access the PediSTAT calculator.

The location of the calculator on the protocol screen

You will first be asked to enter patient information. You can do this by entering the approximate weight, age, height, or using Pediatape or Broselow tape. You can also enter information for adult patients. Note: Pedi STAT defines an adult as any patient 44kg (97 lbs) and over.

The Pedi STAT home screen with all patient options available

Once you have entered the patient information, you will see the medications that can be used with that specific protocol and what dosing you should use for the patient based on the information provided.

Same dosage calculator screen for Epinephrine 0.01 mg/mL

If, while giving care, you’re able to get more accurate patient information (e.g. an exact weight or birthdate), you can tap the icons at the top to adjust the patient information.

Set patient weight

Set patient age

Set patient height

You can also tap the “Clear Patient” button to wipe existing patient information and get ready to help the next patient.

Clear patient button

To dismiss the medication cards, simply tap the protocol visible behind the Pedi STAT overlay. From there, you can navigate to another protocol and the calculator will remember the most recent patient information.