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Marking Favorites

On iOS Devices:

When using the app on an iOS device the most recently tapped folder or file is temporarily saved to the favorites tab. If you'd like to save it to favorites, do the following:

  1. Tap on the file or folder you wish to save under favorites:

    Selecting a document to mark in the iOS app

  2. Tap on the favorites folder.

    Selecting the favorites folder in the iOS app

  3. Tap the star icon.

    Where to find the star in the iOS app

  4. The star will turn yellow. It is now saved under your favorites and you can easily navigate to it by using the favorites tab.

    The star is now yellow in the iOS app

On Android Devices:

  1. For Android devices, press and hold on the protocol or folder you want to add to favorites. A pop up will come up asking if you want to add a note or add to favorites.

    Selecting a document to mark in the Android app

  2. Press "Add To Favorites." Now when you tap the Favorites Tab (the Star icon), you will see your saved files and folder.

    The star menu icon on Android opens Favorites